ASA Pakistan Ltd Walk in Interviews JOBS 2016

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ASA Pakistan
ASA International has established a non-depository Microfinance Institution namely ‘ASA Pakistan Limited’ and it is 100% subsidiary of ASA International. ASA Pakistan Ltd. is public limited unlisted company registered with SECP under Companies Ordinance, 1984. ASA Pakistan is engaged in the process of empowering the poor, who have no access to the traditional banking system for developing their business, the landless, the skilled laborers and marginal farmers for the improvement of their socio-economic condition. For economic emancipation “ASA Pakistan Ltd.” is relentlessly working towards the goal of empowering the poor by utilizing their loans for more income. To achieve the objective of improving the socio-economic condition of the poor, ASA Pakistan has introduced the credit program for the poor who remained outside the traditional banking system so long.

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ASA Pakistan
Pakistan's Leading Microfinance Institution
ASA Pakistan
ASA International has established a non-depository Microfinance Institution namely ‘ASA Pakistan Limited’ and it is 100% subsidiary of ASA International. ASA Pakistan Ltd. is public limited unlisted company registered with SECP under Companies Ordinance, 1984. ASA Pakistan is engaged in the process of empowering the poor, who have no access to the traditional banking system for developing their business, the landless, the skilled laborers and marginal farmers for the improvement of their socio-economic condition. For economic emancipation “ASA Pakistan Ltd.” is relentlessly working towards the goal of empowering the poor by utilizing their loans for more income. To achieve the objective of improving the socio-economic condition of the poor, ASA Pakistan has introduced the credit program for the poor who remained outside the traditional banking system so long.

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