Career Opportunities Ghani Halal Feed Mill

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Ghani Group of Companies commonly known as Ghani Group is a Pakistani multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It encompasses three business sectors: Mining, Glass and Automobiles. Ghani Group of companies was founded in 1963 by Aitzaz Ahmad Khan as a trading company. It has operations in two countries Pakistan and UAE. The major Ghani Group of Companies are Ghani Glass, Ghani Mines and Ghani Automobile Industries.
Ghani Group remains a family-owned business, as the descendants of the founder (from the Ghani Family) own a majority stake in the company. The current chairman of the Ghani Group of Companies is Aitzaz Ahmad Khan

List of companies of Ghani Group[edit]
Ghani Mines (Pvt)Ltd.
Ghani Glass Ltd.
Ghani Halal Feed Mill (Pvt)Ltd.
Ghani Corporation
Ghani Commodities
Ghani Food Industries (Pvt)Ltd.
Ghani Tharcoal Energy Ltd.
Ghani Oil & Petrogas (Pvt)Ltd.
Al-Muhandus Corporation
Progressive Mining Enterprises

“ALLAH (SWT) has placed every thing that exists within the limits of SKIES, EARTH and OCEANS, under the Command of Human beings (INSAAN)” AL-QURAAN

In 1963 a dynamic and radical person known as Aitzaz Ahmad Khan had conceptualized his revolutionary vision and laid the stone of a Lahore based organization which commenced its business mainly in Mining of Silica Sand, Rock Salt and Coal in the allotted lease area granted by the Provincial Governments of Punjab and NWFP. In subsequent years the untiring, dedicated and missionary zeal & zest of the CHAIRMAN, Aitzaz Ahmad Khan had woven the net of Companies into glorified galaxy of shining Stars and named it Ghani Mining Group. The substantial Strategic benefits of vertical integration led him and his associate brothers to consider venturing into the manufacturing field of Glass and over the years and by the grace of ALLAH (SWT) the Ghani Group of Companies now proudly stood unparallel and peerless leader in Glass Manufacturing Industry of Pakistan.

Ghani Mining Group of Companies comprises of the following companies:-

Ghani Mines (Pvt) Ltd
Al-Muhandus Corporation    
Nara Minerals
Ghani Corporation
Progressive Mining Enterprises

Its products includes Rock Salt, Coal, Silica Sand and Chromite.The Group acquires, mines on lease and harnesses the mineral resources essential for making products that meet society's needs.

The objectives of the Group is to put sustainable development at the heart of their operations. They work as closely as possible with its honorable major clients and other segmants of community. We also give serious importance to the health & safety of our all operational workers.  Environmental effects of its activities are kept to barest minimum and that local communities could be benefited as much as possible, from its operations.

Our Business Strategies
Ghani Mines aims to maximise the overall production of mining, harnessing mineral resources and areas of expertise in which we have a clear competitive advantage. A fundamental part of this is to deliver value while operating in an ethically and socially responsible manners, and remaining committed to long term sustainable development.
How do we do this? We constantly seek new sources of competitive advantage and wherever possible, institutionalise them within our business strategies that cannot be easily replicated by competitors. We concentrate on large scale mining operations that have a long life and are cost effective. Furthermore, we invest in these assets throughout their lives so that they maintain their competitive position. In pursuing greater economic value, all capital expenditure - on new projects and replacement expenditure alike - is subjected to rigorous analysis. We make investments only on their potential ability to create value - not the pursuit of a particular geographical or commodity mix or market share. 
At Ghani Mines, there is always a suite of quality projects under development or appraisal and a portfolio of global exploration projects to ensure profitable development opportunities for the future.

Doing business with us
Ghani Mines is a large and dynamic organisation. Our business requirements are numerous and we work with many suppliers, customers, partners, governments and agencies. 
We are committed in doing this in accordance with our values. We are also committed in making it easy for you to do business with us, putting you in contact, quickly and efficiently, with the right people in the right places, 

If you are interested in buying products from us, please get in touch with our Sales & Marketing staff representatives both at our Head Office and Site Offices, who will be more than happy to help and assist you.

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