Civil Aviation Authority Pakistan Jobs 2016 CAA Online Application Form Directors Latest Advertisement

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As the UK's specialist aviation regulator we ensure that:

the aviation industry meets the highest safety standards 
consumers have choice, value for money, are protected and treated fairly when they fly 
we drive improvements in airlines and airports’ environmental performance
the aviation industry manages security risks effectively.
We are a public corporation, established by Parliament in 1972 as an independent specialist aviation regulator. The UK Government requires that our costs are met entirely from charges to those we provide a service to or regulate.

Most aviation regulation and policy is harmonised across the world to ensure consistent levels of safety and consumer protection. Worldwide safety regulations are set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation and within Europe by the European Aviation Safety Agency.

We run the ATOL holiday financial protection scheme.

We also economically regulate some airports and certain aspects of air traffic control.

Our consumer panel acts as a ‘critical friend’ providing a consumer perspective on all aspects of our work. 

Jinnah International Airport (JIAP) Karachi is Pakistan's largest international and domestic airport. It consist of four terminals, Terminal-I, II, III and the Jinnah Terminal. The airport is named after Crown attorney/statesman Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan and its first Governor General, who was popularly known as the Quaid-e-Azam ("Great Leader").

Director General's Message

CAA has been putting in efforts to cope with the speed with which change in civil aviation activities are taking place regionally / globally. The expectations from the Government of Pakistan, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), other related international bodies, customers, internal / external stakeholders, etc. have also grown rapidly in proportion to the pace at which improvements in aviation industry are taking place. Information Technology has a pivotal role to play in this era not only in ensuring enhanced performance standards in organizational responsibilities but also in terms of dissemination of information.

I am extremely pleased to share that Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, as part of its on-going improvement program and in pursuit of its Vision to be a World class service provider in the aviation industry, has revamped its official website. The objective has been to make it more informative, user-friendly and able to meet the information needs of the general public as well as Aviation professionals. It is hoped that the users would make maximum use of the website since dissemination of relevant information has been added as a special feature in the website to benefit the users.

The most important aspect is the feedback mechanism through which I would like to encourage all users to send their feedback and comments aimed at the betterment of this website. This would enable us to bring about improvements in the website on a continuous basis. Although the good work done by the IT Branch of CAA in revamping the website needs to be acknowledged yet it needs to be ensured that it remains in a continually improvement mode so that it can be considered as one of the best websites in the not too distant future.

It is my earnest desire to see CAA rising with each passing day and transform itself into one of the leading aviation organizations across the globe.

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Jobs 2016 Online Application Form

Please visit the link given bellow to Apply Online for Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Jobs 2016: 

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