Deputy Commissioner Office Tank Jobs 2016 KPK Computer Operators at Land Record Office Latest

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A deputy commissioner is a police, income tax or administrative official in many different countries

A computer operator is the person responsible for monitoring and controlling computer systems especially mainframe computer systems in a company or organization. Responsibilities include troubleshooting software and hardware problems, monitoring batch processing, maintaining and improving system performance and online availability, maintaining all system and application documentation, and assisting personnel with computer problems. Other responsibilities depend on the employer but might include system backups, maintaining computer room equipment including printers and tape storage devices, and providing customer support.

A computer operator may often be asked to know or learn the main computers' operating systems, such as IBM's OS/390 and its Job Entry Subsystem ( JES ), local area network operation, and applications used by an employer. A high school diploma is usually required. Most employers also require formal technical training or one to three years' experience. A computer operator must effectively interact and communicate with others, be able to work independently, have strong analytical skills, and be able to recognize and respond to problem situations.

A role in IT, computer operators oversee the running of computer systems, ensuring that the machines and computers are running properly.[1][2][3]

The former role of a computer operator was to work with mainframe computers which required a great deal of management day-to-day, however nowadays they often work with a variety of different systems and applications. The computer operator normally works in a server room or a data center, but can also work remotely so that they can operate systems across multiple sites. Most of their duties are taught on the job, as their job description will vary according to the systems and set-up they help manage.

The role also includes maintaining records and logging events, listing each backup that is run, each machine malfunction and program abnormal termination. Operators assist System administrators and programmers in testing and debugging of new systems and programs prior to their becoming production environments.

Modern-day computing has led to a greater proliferation of personal computers, with a rapid change from older mainframe systems to newer self-managing systems. This is reflected in the operator's role. Tasks may include managing the backup systems, cycling tapes or other media, filling and maintaining printers. Overall the operator fills in as a lower level system administrator or operations analyst. Most operations departments will work 24x7.

A computer operator also has knowledge of disaster recovery and business continuity procedures. Formerly this would have meant sending physical data tapes offsite, but now the data is more than likely transmitted over computer networks.

A computer operator can work inside the home on the network editing domains and nets or they can work on the road or as part of a company.[citation needed] In order to become one it can be required to have a degree in computer science or a related field.

The system of maintenance of Land Records in the areas comprising Punjab was in​itially developed for the purpose of revenue collection. The codified system of written land records was developed after the British occupied Punjab. Land Revenue was a major source of income for the state and maintenance of current land records was a prerequisite for that. 

Although Land Revenue has been abolished, the system of maintenance of land records persists as an essential function of the government. There have been various attempts to modernize the system since the 1970’s through introduction of computer technology. Land Records Management and Information Systems Project is attempting to build on the successes of the previous attempts, learning from the mistakes and failures of these attempts.

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