Government of the Punjab JOBS for LiveStock and Dairy Development Department Positions Vacant JOBS

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The Agriculture Sector contributes 21% of GDP of Pakistan, which consumes 46% of direct labour force, coming from 67% of population. Out of Agriculture, the share of livestock sector is 56%. However, the head count involved in both sectors is same as livestock and agriculture supplement each other in the rural landscape. Livestock’s value exceeds the combined value of all the major and minor crops by about 6.1%. The share of livestock products in the generation of foreign exchange is about 13%. More significantly, livestock is an integral part (30-40%) of livelihood of about 30 to 35 million rural farmers. Presently, the reported gross value addition of livestock stands at PKR 1,172 billion, whereas livestock share in export is 8.5%. 

Blog, Updated at: 15:56:00

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