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 I feel satisfaction to record that Punjab Government is making all out efforts for welfare of the public. It is duty of my government to cater for the needs of the inhabitants of the province.  Punjab Government to achieve this prime objective has initiated many pro poor projects/schemes for the welfare of the common folk. It includes Ashiyana Housing Scheme, Danish Schools, Laptop Distribution, Stipends to Students through Punjab Education Endowment Fund, Skill Development Programmes, computerization of land record and Metro Bus projects. Zakat department, being Punjab’s largest official charity network, is doing an excellent job by providing financial support to thousands of families for their subsistence, health care, education and skill development through vocational training institutes. I also commend the efforts of the department for using modern mode of payment to Mustahqeen through branchless banking which would certainly ensure more prompt and transparent disbursement of Zakat money. I hope the department of Zakat & Ushr will work more efficiently and effectively to serve the indigent and needy people.
                                                                                      Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif

I feel pleasure to express that under the  dynamic leadership and guidance of Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister Punjab, Zakat & Ushr Department is providing financial support to the needy, poor and indigent people for their subsistence, education, health care and skill development throughout the province. An amount of Rs. 2748.108 million has been distributed among the Mustahqeen-e-Zakat during the year 2014-15. The department has taken a number of initiatives for the welfare of the poor people.  The rate of Guzara Allowance and Marriage Assistance has been increased up to 100%. Distribution of Guzara Allowance has been started through Branchless banking from the year 2014-15 in order to ensure efficiency and transparency in the distribution mechanism. Apart from, a reasonable amount has been allocated in Zakat budget 2015-16 for Permanent Rehabilitation of Mustahqeen. Campaign for public awareness regarding ongoing Zakat Programmes has been launched through electronic, print and social media. Efforts are being made to motivate the general public for voluntary Zakat contribution. I shall request the civil society, philanthropists, traders and Members of Chambers of Commerce to come forward and join hands with the Government for provision of basic amenities of life to those who need our assistance.
                                                                                                              Malik Nadeem Kamaran

Overview & Functions
Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. Its institution has been envisioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and as such, it dates back to the eras of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the pious Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA). In Pakistan, its institution is envisaged in the Article 31 (C) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1973) which provides that State shall endeavor to secure the proper organization of Zakat and Ush. In pursuance of this provision, Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 was promulgated, as a result of which Zakat and Ushr Department came into existence in 1980. The Department remained on the Concurrent List until 2010 when it was devolved under the 18th Amendment. Zakat and Ushr is now a provincial subject.

Zakat is compulsorily levied on 11 assets as detailed in the 1st Schedule of Zakat and Ushr Ordinance. Banks, companies and other financial institutions operating these assets deduct Zakat at source. The amount of Zakat so deducted is credited into Central Zakat Fund with State Bank of Pakistan.  Disbursement of Zakat takes place by transfer of funds from Central Zakat Fund to the Provincial Zakat Fund which in turn transfers it to District Zakat Committees of all the districts on population basis. Actual disbursement of Zakat is made at Local level by Local Zakat Committee of a village or Mohalla(street), and other institutions such as Deeni Madaris, Government Educational Institutions, and Vocational Training Institutes.

Zakat fund is meant for the poor and deserving Muslims living below poverty line. Punjab Zakat Department is currently running various programs for the poor which include Guzara Allowance for the chronic poor, marriage grant for unamarried poor women, free treatment for the needy patients, and educational stipends for the students of Deeni Madaris and Government Institutes. It arranges, through PVTC, free technical and vocational training of poor and needy youth in order to enhance thier chances of independent livelihoods. The department has earmarked Rs. 3.08 billion for these intervensions for FY 2014-15.  People at zakat department are endeavoring to make the entity a more dynamic organization a centre stage of all the state run intervensions aimed at poverty reduction in the province.

Zakat and Ushr Department aims to help Governemnt of the Punjab reduce extreme poverty in line with the injunctions of Islam. The Department contributes towards poverty reduction through investing in the  poor for both their subsistence and rehabilitation.


Punjab Zakat & Ushr Department performs follwing core functions:

 Planning and Policy formulation for better working of zakat system in Punjab
 Preparation of annual Zakat budget
 Disbursement of zakat fund
 Maintenance of accounts
 Arrangements for audit
 Process cases for exemption from deduction of Zakat at source and issuance of exemption certificates
 Dealing all administrative matters of staff
 Constitution of Provincial Zakat Council, District Zakat Committees and Local Zakat Committees
 Enlistment of Deeni Madaris and Vocational Training Institutes for Zakat grants

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