Jers Engineering Consultants Jobs 2016 UNICEF Balochistan Field Monitors, Data Collectors, Monitoring & Reporting Officers

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JERS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (JEC) is a well-recognized multi-disciplined group of engineers since 2000. JERS provided the services in the fields of Infrastructure Design, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Urban Planning, Architecture, Interior, Structure, HVAC Design, Surveying and Project Management. JERS has successfully handled numerous engineering projects in the national and internation market. JERS team work side by side with client to accomplish any project, anytime, in any environment, making JERS a leading and well established engineering firm.

JERS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (JEC)is a well-recognized group of engineers in the field of engineering design & consultancy. The company with a staff of 150 professionals has successfully completed many design projects in the fields of urban and rural infrastructure, roads, water supply, sewerage, drainage, solid waste management, waste water treatment plants, plumbing systems, electrical design, structural design and HVAC design. Environmental and Public Health Engineering is the main specialty of the company. Architectural and Interior Design Section has successfully completed several projects for domestic and international market. Structural Engineering section of the firm has designed and supervised numerous multi-storied buildings of various categories. Electrical Engineering section of the company has carried out internal and external electrification of several projects for National and International Market.

Engineering Section

CAD Section

The firm is always quality conscious about its work and is fully able to handle the projects of any magnitude. The firm consists of professionals from various fields and well staffed to meet the challenging requirements of any nature. It has seasoned and qualified engineers along with highly experienced field staff and inspectors having latest professional knowledge in their respective fields. The firm is equipped with latest computer facilities and all data analysis, calculation work and preparation of drawings are done with the help of latest computer software to achieve high precision level.

Experts of the firm are fully familiar with the International Standards and requirements laid down by various agencies.

The firm owes its success to the team work and dedication of its professional staff. Continuous improvement and customer satisfaction is the hallmark of the firm.

Architecture & Planning Section

Survey & Base Maps Section at Sub-Office

It gives me an immense pleasure to bring on record that Jers Engineering Consultant (JEC) has completed its first decade and now has successfully entered into second decade of service.

JEC was established in the year 2000. It was a humble start. However, with the blessings of Allah, JEC witnessed a phenomenal growth within a very short span of 12 years. It has now been recognized as a consulting firm with a National stature.

The driving force behind JEC’s success is the team efforts of its highly professional staff. Their continued efforts have earned a very good reputation to the firm. I would like to express my highest gratitude to all the staff members for their tireless efforts and hard work.

I am also thankful to all of our esteemed clients. It is indeed their continuous patronage and confidence reposed in our firm that motivated us to work harder with every passing day. I owe much to their continuous support and encouragement.

JEC has been working independently as well as in association with other reputed consulting firms and architects, nation-wide and internationally. JEC is proud to be associated as designer with China International Water & Electric Corporation for Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority.

This broacher delineates the major achievements and activities of JEC during the past 11 years from its origin. Let’s hope that JEC grows further to achieve more milestones in future.

I assure that we will maintain highest quality standards in rendering services to our esteemed clients.

Imran Yasin Sheikh

January, 2012

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