Wildlife Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Animal Keepers, Clerks, Wildlife Supervisors & Others Latest

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The mission of this department is not only the conservation of natural resources but also the protection and management of the resources.

The Province of Punjab, with an area of 50.96 million acres and meager forestry resources over only 1.66 million acres in the public sector. The resources managed by the forest department include compact plantation i.e. Coniferous Forests (144120 acres), Scrub Forests (676336 acres), Range Lands (203321 acres), Irrigated Plantations (424776 acres), Riverain Forests (175702 acres) and deserts (38238 acres). Moreover, we also manage the Linear Plantations of the province i.e. canal side plantations (33795.37 km),roadside plantations (10665.15 km) and rail side plantations (2580.50 km).In addition to the public sector forestry resources, tree covers exist in farmlands both in the form of woodlots and linear avenues along the field boundaries and watercourses.

The department has a network of filed formations throughout the Province and ensures propagation, conservation and sustainable development of wildlife resources. The department maintains the following facilities:

National Parks-04
Wildlife Sanctuaries-37
Game Reserves-24
Zoos / Zoological Gardens-03
Wildlife Parks-12
Safari Zoo-01
For smooth functioning of the department, various policies are formulated and periodically reviewed for implementation. These strategies focus on sustainable conservation and management of wildlife through public participation and liaison with national and international organizations. The status of wildlife resources of the province, in turn, is improving. The department has succeeded to conserve and preserve the vanishing wildlife species. 

The Punjab has an extensive expanse of fisheries resources with great potential. The major natural resources are Rivers, Canals, Reservoirs, Lakes, Water Logged Areas etc. covering a total area of about 3 million hectares (7.5 million acres). Besides sustainable exploitation of natural resources, the fish culture activities in private sector have been considerably increased in the last two decades. At present about 56,540 acres have been brought under fish culture and more then 50% fish is comming from private fish farms. 

Rules and Regulations
Laws and Rules                              Manuals                               Policies                                Notifications

Laws and Rules


The Forest Act 1927 Amended 2010
Murree-Kahuta Hilly Areas Development Authority (Repeal) Ordinance 1978
Murree-Kahuta Development Authority Act 1986
New Murree Development Authority Act 2004
Punjab Firewood and Charcoal (Restriction) Act 1964
Punjab Forest (Sale of Timber) Act 1913
Punjab Plantation and Maintenance of Trees Act 1974
Choas Act 1900
Punjab Land Preservation Act

The Punjab Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation And Management) (Amendment) Act, 2007
Punjab Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Act, 1974
Punjab Zoo, Parks & Safari Parks Rules
Community Based Organization Rules
Private Game Reserve Rules
Private Wildlife Breeding Farm Rules

Punjab Fisheries Ordinance, 1961
Fisheries Rules 1965 (Amended up to 2001)


The West Pakistan Forest Manual Vol-I
The West Pakistan Forest Manual Vol-II
The West Pakistan Forest Manual Vol-III



Punjab Forestry Sector Policy 1999

Wetland Policy 2012-13


Mian Rafi Notifications

Duck Shooting
Partridge Shooting-Opening / Closure of Tehsils

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