NLC Jobs 2016

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In 1978, a massive congestion at Karachi Port brought Pakistan’s logistics cycle to a grinding halt resulting in severe shortage of essential commodities in various parts of the Country. The crisis warranted urgent measures to restore normalcy. The Government decided to establish a dedicated Organization to manage the crisis at hand and avert logistics emergencies in future. The compelling circumstances thus gave birth to an Organization that was destined to play a major role in the National development.

The Government named the Organization as National Logistics Cell (NLC). Since its inception, NLC has made remarkable progress and has been evolved into Pakistan’s premier logistics and construction Organization performing diversified roles and significantly contributing to the growth of National economy. A cursory analysis of the development trajectory and the steady expansion of NLC in terms of human and material resources is suffice to bear out the high standards and professionalism maintained by the Organization. Initially raised to handle logistics crisis, NLC as of today, has grown into Pakistan’s one of the largest and self-sustaining public sector enterprise that carries out overarching and co-related tasks ranging from construction of mega structures in shortest possible time, to providing pragmatic logistics solutions, management of a chain of well-equipped dry ports & border terminals, collection of toll revenue on National and provincial highways alongside highest possible efficiency and skill development of the Country’s rich human resource capital.

Director General ISPR 
Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bajwa HI (M)
 Major General Asim Saleem Bajwa

Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bajwa HI (M) was commissioned in the 34 Punjab Regiment from the Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, in March 1984. He is a graduate of the Command & Staff College Quetta, National Defence University Islamabad and Staff College Camberley, UK. He holds Masters degree in Defence Studies from Kings College London (UK), and in War Studies from the NDU, Islamabad. During his military service, he has held various command staff and instructional appointments, which include command of an Anti-Tank Battalion, an Infantry Brigade Group and a strike Infantry Division. He has been Brigade Major of an Infantry Brigade and Chief of Staff of a strike Corps. He has also been on the faculty of PMA Kakul & Command and Staff College Quetta, and has served as Deputy Military Secretary to President of Pakistan. He was promoted Major General in December 2010. He is recipient of Tamgha-i-Basalat and Hilal-i-Imtiaz (Military).

An avid reader and a keen golfer, is married and has three children.


“To develop NLC into a financially viable Public Organization, aligned to the dictates of competing commercial environment and proactively explore business opportunities in Pakistan and overseas for a sustainable financial growth while remaining Instep With Tomorrow ”.


“To ensure long-term sustainable growth by pursuing exigent business opportunities in logistics and construction driven by the highest ethical standards in financially disciplined corporate governance structure with an aim to provide innovative, cost effective and qualitative services to the clients ”.

Core Values

NLC as of today and the unprecedented success it has achieved is not a matter of chance. It is a result of unwavering commitment to produce quality in work and services by espousing ideals and values rooted in futuristic vision that are diligently pursued with utmost professionalism and commitment. The evolutionary development of the Organization is ample testimony to its quest for achieving excellence by adhering to these values which the NLC has never compromised during its over three-decades of illustrious history of serving the Nation and its clients.

→ Quality

Quality is the cardinal value that forms the basis of all strategies chalked out by NLC. It is in fact a way of life and a fundamental factor guiding all of our actions in the right direction. It is an attitude that has an overarching impact on the overall decision making process right from conceptualization of an idea to its very successful accomplishment.

→ Learning & Innovation

Initiative is encouraged at all levels which results in learning and innovation, considered as an essential catalyst for growth and development.We sincerely believe that complacency and stereotype thinking retards the progress which is why every available opportunity is seized and daunting challenges are accepted with a view to bring more innovation having the potential for enhancement of professional and organizational growth.

→ Team Work

NLC is not just a leading logistics and construction Organization; it is a team of dynamic professionals who firmly believe in the collective good of the Organization by delivering their best. Our professionals in multi-dimensional disciplines proactively work as a single TEAM to ensure that Organization’s goals and objectives are met within the given timeframe. Unity in diversity can be observed at its best as individuals from diverse backgrounds work for the common goal of producing the best results in their respective fields of specialization.

→ Empowerment

We encourage and promote a culture of shared understanding based on free exchange of ideas at various tiers of the Organization’s hierarchy. Open communication is thus ensured to enable more creative approach towards solution of problem and to better measure up to challenges in execution of tasks in professional manner.

→ Environment

NLC attaches high priority to protecting and preserving the environment in which we work and live. All projects are carefully evaluated and extreme care is taken at the planning as well as execution level to ensure bare minimum impact of its projects on environment. NLC strictly align its actions in conformity with the laws and regulations governing environmental protection.

→ Social Responsibility

We believe in serving the Nation and our clients with utmost dedication and in every possible manner which is reflected in numerous voluntary projects being undertaken by NLC. Contributing to the development of the society in positive manner is the focus of all CSR initiatives of the Organization.

Blog, Updated at: 02:23:00

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