FFBL Apprenticeship

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FFBL Apprenticeship 2016 Online Apply Karachi Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited Latest


=== Apprenticeship Trades ===
AC / Refrigeration Technician
Technician - Auto Mechanic
Safety & HAZOP Operator
Information Technology (IT)
Instrumentation Technician
Electrical Technician
Mechanical Technician
Lab Analyst
Plant Operator

Corporate Strategy

The dynamic corporate strategy of FFBL is to enhance customer satisfaction and earn their respect by continuously providing the highest quality of product by adding value in the long run. We are committed to create value for stakeholders through performance and growth by appropriately utilizing combination of resources and skills with respect to changing market conditions.

Our strategy is based on profitable and sustainable growth, building on an unrivaled market position and a unique flexible business model.We continue to honour the confidence and trust of our customers, suppliers and the Government. We are committed to contribute heavily in the national economy and seize opportunities for diversification and growth to build upon our strengths and competencies.

FFBL is focused on fostering an inspiring and innovative performance culture based on our vision and mission, the code of conduct, ethics, sustained progress and our core values. We demonstrate our commitment to employees by promoting and rewarding their efforts based on performance and creating an environment which builds motivation and reflects our values. We develop leaders at all levels that achieve business results, exhibit our values and lead us to grow and win.

Sustainability Policy

Fauji  Fertilizer  Bin  Qasim  Limited  is  committed  to  support country’s  agricultural  production  and  economy  by  continual improvement  and  attaining  excellence  in  all  areas  of  its functioning.

The  Company  Management  and  all  employees  are  dedicated to  practice  efficient  and  Environment  friendly  process  for prevention  of  pollution  and  strive  to  exceed  local  and international  standards  on  Quality,  Health,  Safety  and Environment.

In  order  to  meet  our  objectives,  we  further  commit  ourselves to  achieve  full  customer  satisfaction,  meet  legal  and  moral obligations  through  coordinated  efforts as  One  Team.

“Work  Safely,  Smartly  and  Happily”

Brig. Azam
Company Secretary
Corporate Strategy has helped define the way we interact with our stakeholders. Our Management has promoted our corporate strategy, stressing the need of  analyzing the  environmental conditions in which we exist. We stand firm in understanding our stakeholders strengths and weaknesses and worked onto a strategic position of outperforming our competitors in all sectors of the business.
Sustainability is promoted and is a norm of our organizational structure where we work together to ensure social progress and equality, environmental protection, conservation of natural resources and stable economic growth. 
Everybody has the right to a healthy, clean and safe environment. 

Aamir Ahsan
General Manager Finance
A financially stable organization reeps benefits from diverse investments and acknowledgements. We work for a better tomorrow where community investment is a logical gain for the much awaited stakeholders.
Code Of Conduct
Corporate Image

Company’s reputation and identity are among the Company’s most valuable assets.

Conflict of Interest

All employees must avoid any personal or business influences that effect their ability to act in the best interests of the Company.

Integrity and Honesty

By maintaining the highest level of corporate integrity through open, honest and fair dealings, we earn trust for ourselves from everyone.

Dedication to Quality

Our quality policy is an integral part of our business philosophy and we are committed to provide total customer satisfaction.

Unauthorized Use of Corporate Assets

Every employee is obligated to protect the assets of the Company.

Corporate Records

Documents and records of the Company are part of the Company’s assets and employees are charged with maintaining their accuracy and safety.


Every employee is obligated to protect the Company’s confidential information, which is proprietary to the Company.


Stakeholders are valuable equal partners for us with whom a long-term,fair and trustworthy relationship is built.

Respect for People and Team Work

We are dedicated through dignity and respect, owe nothing less to each other. We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success.

Legal Compliance

The Company’s activities and operations are carried out in strict compliance with all applicable laws and the highest ethical standards.

Health and Safety

We are all responsible for maintaining a safe workplace by following health and safety rules and practices.

Human Capital Management
Recruitment Policy

Our recruitment policy is based on logical and transparent procedures. We recruit the best, looking at the individual’s skills and qualifications. We head hunt potential candidates who can significantly contribute to our core teams; “Right People for Right Job” . Everyone is given a fair opportunity to perform to the highest standard and progress within the organization.

We assisted and empower our employees need to be equipped with knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of the time. Technical Training Center conducts management development trainings using in-house and outside resources.
Facilities & Benefits

Our employees are provided with all additional welfare-oriented facilities. These include full medical coverage, transport facility, accommodation at Plant Site or in nearby areas, catering of all employees during office hours etc. These services are provided to ensure that employees are committed fully to their jobs.
Corporate Social Responsibility

 FFBL duly realizes its responsibility in empowering of the underprivileged communities
FFBL duly realizes its responsibility in empowering of the underprivileged communities, employee welfare, safe industrial operations and alignment of Company policies and practices in line with globally recognized principles. We are committed to conduct our business with a sincere concern for the world around us, in particular where our business has a potential direct impact. FFBL remains committed to an environmental policy of collaborating fully with regulatory authorities and local communities to minimize the effects of its activities on the natural and human environments associated with its operations.
Sustainable and responsible development has remained our primary concern since inception. FFBL has distinguished itself as a good neighbor, not only have we consistently delivered outstanding returns to our shareholders, we strive hard to be a good employer, to be a catalyst for the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate, and to minimize our environmental impact.

In Nov 2010, after approval by the Board, a long-term CSR Program was launched in collaboration with a renowned NGO, Human Development Foundation (HDF). As per MOU the NGO has to implement all program activities in Ghaggar Phattak Bin Qasim Town, Karachi and FFBL to provide funds up to Rs 49.1 million over a period of 5 years. HDF is engaged in community development activities with special emphasis on health and education promotion.

Social Mobilization
A continuous process, for purpose of self reliance three male and three female Village Development Organizations (VDOs) have been formed in the project area.
These socially structured groups are formed to deal with social issues and to work collectively to create awareness on issues like improved living conditions, personal hygiene, basic human rights, economic development, basic education and resolution of petty disputes on their own.
These social structures also provide facilitation and point of access to the concerned government departments for provision of basic facilities to their area.

Economic Development


Environmental Sustainability

Basic Health Facilities


Operating Highlights (For the Year Ended December 31, 2015)

By the grace of Almighty, the overall performance of the plants remained satisfactory and safe during the year. Gas curtailment remained the biggest challenge especially for the plants on Sui network. The gas curtailment to FFBL however reduced by 12% to 29% in year 2015. This improved production of Ammonia and Urea which is higher by 22% and 42% respectively as compared to last year.

Due to better gas supply, FFBL achieved record breaking production of 768,004 Metric Tonnes (MT) as compared to 701,841 MT of DAP last year higher by 9%.

Financial Highlights (For the Year Ended December 31, 2015)

Details 2015 (Rs '000') 2014 (Rs '000') 2013 (Rs '000')
Sales - net 52,182,072 49,445,256 54,455,168
Cost of sales (44,967,864) (38,353,303) (39,942,664)
Gross Profit 7,214,208 11,091,953 14,512,504
Expenses (1,426,987) (1,317,635) (1,048,037)
Other Operating
Income 5,683,100 1,062,774 494,075
Taxation (1,322,295) (1,763,928) (2,748,662)
Profit for the Year 4,061,587 4,016,326 5,613,011
per Share (Rs.) 4.35 4.30 6.01
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2012
Annual Report 2011
Annual Report 2010

Half Yearly Reports
Quarterly Reports
Shares Information
Average Shares Value
Major Share Holders
Shares Registrar
Free Float Shares
Share Holding Pattern
  2016 (Rs.) 2015 (Rs.) 2014 (Rs.) 2013 (Rs.) 2012 (Rs.) 2011 (Rs.)
JANUARY 49.56 48.21 43.73 38.31 45.42 40.01
FEBRUARY 47.89 52.11 43.06 38.73 46.83 40.76
MARCH 51.10 42.90 37.78 45.40 40.99
APRIL 49.07 41.65 38.06 39.86 41.33
MAY 47.96 39.17 39.33 42.03 42.01
JUNE 55.00 38.78 39.66 40.30 42.93
JULY 60.32 40.10 41.51 39.90 45.48
AUGUST 61.87 38.69 40.58 38.14 46.97
SEPTEMBER 61.40 41.37 39.20 37.55 53.91
OCTOBER 59.84 40.88 38.86 38.76 61.39
NOVEMBER 56.26 42.10 39.41 37.38 58.68
DECEMBER 53.59 43.79 43.24 37.77 48.02
  Shareholding %age
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited 465,891,896 49.88
Fauji Foundation 170,842,386 18.29

FFBL WITHOUT CNIC Div-31(Updated list)

M/s Corplink (Pvt) Limited,
Wings Arcade, 1-K, Commercial,
Model Town,Lahore.
Phone #: +92 42 35916714, 35916719
Fax #: +92 42 35869037
Free float of shares
2015 Pattern of Shareholding
2014 Pattern of Shareholding

2013 Pattern of Shareholding

2012 Pattern of Shareholding

2011 Pattern of Shareholding

2010 Pattern of Shareholding
Please click on each of these tabs for further information.

The share transfer books of the Company will be closed from 2 – 8 Mar 2016 (both days inclusive). Transfers received at Corplink Pvt Ltd, Wings Arcade, 1-K, Commercial, Model Town, Lahore at the close of business on 1 Mar 2016 will be treated in time for the purpose of above entitlement to the transferees.
Soft copy of Annual Accounts will be uploaded on the website in due course.

Fauji Foundation Group
It was founded in 1954 under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890 as a Charitable Trust for the welfare of the ex-servicemen and their dependents. Growing from humble beginnings.
Fauji Foundation today runs more than 18 industries, the income from which is utilized to serve about 9 million beneficiaries (5 % of country’s population). Generally, more than 80 percent of the income goes towards the welfare activities every year.

Welfare is conducted through health care, education and vocational/technical training centers located throughout the country. Presently, the foundation operates 115 Medical Facilities, 100 Schools & Colleges, 65 Vocational Training Centers and 9 Technical Training Centers across the country.


FFBL is ranked amongst top 25 business houses in Pakistan. FFBL is fueling the Pakistan economy through its agricultural and bio-product line. Over the last few years FFBL is engaged in modernization and automation of its operational capacity and of business processes.
FFBL gives chance to all the Bright students & Professionals to be an associate with the company and become the integral part of our business.

Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited (FFBL) Apprenticeships 2016 March Online Apply

Please visit the link given below to Apply Online for Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited (FFBL) Apprenticeships 2016 March in Karachi: 

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