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EMERGENCY SERVICES ACADEMY RESCUE 1122 The National Center of Excellence  Applications are invited from suitable candidates for recruitment against mentioned posts in Emergency Services Academy, Rescue 1122

1 Audio/Video Operator 11 2 ICS / Diploma of Associate Engineming (Electronics). 2 yeas relevant experience. Age 20-35 Years.

2 Dispenser 11 3 Dispenser Diploma from Medical Faculty or equivalent. 2 years relevant experience. Age 18-35 Years.

3  Tube Well & Pool Technician 11 1 Diploma of Asociate Enginsiing . 2 years relevant experience. Age 20.35 Years.

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4 Electrical Technician 11 1 Diploma of Asociate Engineering (Electricafi or TeehnieW Diplome (Electrical). Relevant experience preferred. Age 20-35 Years.

5 Telephone Operator 8 3 Intermediate with compMer diploma. Relevant experience preferred. Age 18-30 Years.

6 Senior Office Clerk 8 2 Intermediate with typo speed of 35 WPM on computer. Ma be compSerlbrate and 1 year relevant experience. Agar 20-35 years.

7 Office Clerk 5 3 Metro wets computer knowledge and win None speed 25 WPM. liebvant experience preferred. Age 18-25 years.

8 Mason 5 1 Middle. 3 years relevant experience. Age 15-35 years.

9 Plumber 5 1 Middle. 3 years relevant experience. 043184o years.

10 Painter 5 1 Middle. 3 years relevant experience. Age 18.40 years.

11 Carpenter 5 1 Middle. 3 years relevant experience. Age 18.40 years

12 Driver 4 32 mid. with LTV/HIV License. preference shall be linen fettles° who are mato.). 2 years ddvIng expenence. Age 20-35 Years.

13 Mess Cook 4 2 addle with proficiency In meta skills. 3 years relevant experience. Age 20-45 years.

14 Life Guard 4 1 Middle or Candied Armed Forces Swimmer / Life Caere. 2 ream experience es Life Guard/Swimmer. Ape 25.43 years. r

15 Field Worker 1 8 Literate. Age 13.30 years. `g,,`'

16 Cook Helper 1 4 "Preferably I derma Relevant experience preferred. Age 113-30 Veers:.

17 Security Guard 1 3 Literme mreferaoly UAnny person with min. height 5.51. Age 22-48 years.

18 Mess Attendant 1 5 "Preferably aerate. Relevant experience petered. can 13-30 Years:.

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19 Sweeper / Sandary Worker 1 9 Preferably Harare. can IS-30 Years.

20 Office Attendant 1 9 "Preferably middle. Relevant experience praferned Aga 10-35 loam"

21 Safi 1 10 Middle. 2 years retevant exbanence. Age 18-3o years

22 Tower Man 1 1 Preferably metric. Relevant experience preferred. Age 18.30 years.

23 Flute Player 1 3 Middle with proficiency in drum and flute Marina 2 years relevant experience. Age 22-40 ysm.

Condrtions: All applications filled on prescribed forms available from Punjab Emergency Service, Headquarters, Shama Chowk, humour Road. Lahore. Ph. 042-37424716 and Emergency Services Academy, lbokar Niaz Haig, Lahore. Ph: 042-37515467 shall oak/ be submitted by applicants in person in the same office opt 16-05-2018 along with duly attested six passport size photographs, copy of Nation 11.0. Card, Domicile, experience cerfificates and three sets of certificates of educational qualifications alongwith result cards / marks sheets of each part/ year (where relevant).

All the documents are accepted provisionally and offer of appointment Is subject to milk:anon. Only applications fulfilling the criteria shall be accepted after seeing original doormen.. No application reoeNed by post / e-mail shall be entertained and TA/ OA shall not be given when called for interviews / tea Local residents will be given preference. No relaxation in age or qualification (Army / CM!) shall be ented.ned. However, Ifie employees of Punjab Emergency Service shall be given 5 years age relaxation in upper age limit for applying with in the Service against various administrative posts across the board except field posts. Employees of the Govt. / Semi Govt / Autonomous bodies / Corporations shall have to apply through proper channel. All candidates should be physically and medically fit and attached a medical report Issued by Govt. Teaching Hostas] or DHO regarding their physical Inspection (height, weight dean... chest 8 eye slte) and laboratory teSta far Hepatitis OW. He, FIKI and BM (Body Mass Index). Any Person with eye see weaker than (6/18) and obese (SM1 above 30) may be short listed at any sage. However, final selection shall be subject to scnrliny / verification of these reports / tests and medical fitness clearance by the medical hoard constituted by Govt. of the Punjab. 5% quota shall be reserved for minorities and 15 %for females. Shemales can also apply If eligible, against vacancies through open medt Person with normal eye site, height morethan 6" and chst over 33' will be preferred. Form or certificates wgh tempeding shall not be accepted. In case large numbers of applications are received, only applicants.. preferred / enhanced criteria will be considered. Candidates are directed to apply onty for one sui.hle posh however appropdate candidates may be adjusted against other suitable post on recommendation of the Recruitment Committee.Persons with driving 8 swimming skills shall be preferred. In case of large numbers of applications are received against any post, the applicant having Govt. Sector experience in relevant field shall he pretend. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any application at any stage without assigning any rowan. Written, PsychometriC. Phys,al, Swimming. Orates and skills test shall be conducted at designaad places. The Written Test 8 Psychological Assessment of qualifying candidates from serial 1 to 12 shal he held at Emergency Services Academy, Thokar Maz Haig, Lahore on 19-05-2016 at 3.00 AM and the Tests for serial 13 to 23 will he held on 25 May, 2016 at 09,00 AM. Any amendment will be communicated by Rescue 1122 website.

(>>>>>More Details & Application Form)

www.rescue.gov.pk The candidates are not allowed to bring cell phones while coming far tests at Lahore. The applicants are directed to bring oda hal diary slip 81D card only while coming for tests at Lahore. If any candidate has any complaint a duly signed application with contact number should he filed wt. gm Recruitment Complaints Redressal Cell (HCRC) leaded at Headquarters, Shama Chowk. Ferozepur Road. Lahore.

Warning: Recruitment In Rescue 1122 Is held on merit and candidates are warned not to be fooled by cheaters / dodgers.

Human Resource Wing Hannan Resource Wing, Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122), Headquarters, For further information, please contact   Shama Chowk, Ferozepur Road, Lahore. Webeite, www.rescue.gov.pk

Note: We are publishing and sending notification only for information purpose. We are not responsible for any lose or mishap. Be-Careful and verify the company
details before dealing. Apply on the given addresses in the ad and contact on the numbers in the ad for more information. Especially verify about the companies that
are asking money before any job for some reason

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