LRMIS Jobs 2016

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Revenue Officers, Software Engineers, Procurement Specialists & Others Latest

​About BOR​

The following sections describes all about BOR, its functions, departments and districts
Introduction of BOR
Contact Information of BOR

​Our Vision​​

The Project vision is to establish efficient, accountable, equitable and secure Land Records Management & Information Systems. Ultimate vision of the Govt. of the Punjab is to gradually move towards a Land Titling System.

​​ Introduction to PMU ​

Government of the Punjab started computerization of Land Records with overall objectives to improve service delivery and to enhance the perceived level of tenure security. A Project Management Unit has been set up under the administrative control of the Board of Revenue, Government of the Punjab. World Bank has agreed to finance the Project roll out in 36 Districts of Punjab, within the next five years.


​​The system of maintenance of Land Records in the areas comprising Punjab was in​itially developed for the purpose of revenue collection. The codified system of written land records was developed after the British occupied Punjab. Land Revenue was a major source of income for the state and maintenance of current land records was a prerequisite for that. Although Land Revenue has been abolished, the system of maintenance of land records persists as an essential function of the government. There have been various attempts to modernize the system since the 1970’s through introduction of computer technology. Land Records Management and Information Systems Project is attempting to build on the successes of the previous attempts, learning from the mistakes and failures of these attempts.

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