Planning and Development Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Assistants NTS Application Form Download Latest

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The Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab, is the principal planning organization at the provincial level. It coordinates and monitors development programs and activities of various departments of the provincial government. The department also prepares an overall Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) of developmental activities in the province. The Medium Term Development Framework lays down the developmental activities to be carried out in the province in various sectors of the provincial economy. In this manner, the Planning & Development Department is one of the main actors in the growth of the economic potential of the province.

The mandate of the Planning & Development Department includes provision of technical support and coordination to various Government departments in their planning activities. The department is also the main government agency working with foreign donors in the province.

The main objectives of the department are as follows:

    Assessment of the material and human resources of the province
    Formulation of long and short term plans
    Recommendations concerning prevailing economic conditions, economic policies or measures
    Examination of such economic problems as may be referred to it for advice
    Coordination of all economic activities in the provincial government

Our Functions
The functions of the department are listed in the Rules of Business of the Government of Punjab. These include:

Formulation of provincial government vision, policies and strategies for economic planning and development in consultation with all stakeholders in the light of NEC’s guidelines
Annual Development Programme (ADP) / Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF):
Preparation in co-ordination with all departments of the government
Monitoring implementation
Evaluation of development Projects and Programmes
Economic Issue (s):
Conducting research/surveys
Reviewing/analysis of socio economic data 
Public Sector Development Programmes (PSDP):
Preparing short terms and long terms provincial development plans
Coordination with Federal government
Policy for the approval of development schemes
Catalyst for different departments/sectors to improve the pace and quality of economic development
Resource allocation, re-appropriation of development funds, appropriations from block allocations and disbursement of supplementary grants
Secretariat for the Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) and clearing house for development within the competence of CDWP and ECNEC
Foreign Assistance:
Determination of key areas for foreign assistance and preparation of sector-wise portfolio for foreign assistance
Loan negotiations and securing federal financial guarantees, wherever required
Review of foreign aided projects
Coordination of nominations for foreign training, seminars, conferences and workshops for all officials serving with the provincial government
Capacity building of government departments, agencies and functionaries for good governance
Focusing accelerated development of rain fed (barani) and less developed areas
Framing guidelines for procurement of consultancy service. Policy formulation with respect to private sector development and promotion and public private partnership (PPP)
Implementation, development and administration in respect to foreign assisted/ funded and mega ADP projects
Matters relating to attached departments, autonomous bodies and special institution of P&D Department
Information Technology:
I.T. Policy
Electronic Data Management
Control of and liaison with district I.T. Departments
E-Governance and E-Service Delivery
Web Content Management
Pre-qualification of firms to provide I.T. consultancy, software development and I.T. products to the government
Coordination with both public sector departments and private sector agencies in the field of I.T
Service matters of I.T. cadre both at provincial and district level
Budget, accounts and audit matters
Purchase of stores and capital goods for the department
Service matters except those entrusted to service and General Administration Department
Administration of the following laws and the rules framed there-under:
The Cholistan Development Authority Act 1976
The Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance, 1980.
The Punjab Public-Private Partnership for Infrastructure Act, 2010
Matters incidental and ancillary to the above subjects

Governing Laws
Cholistan Development Authority Act, 1976
Punjab Information Technology Board Ordinance 1999
Punjab Economic Research Institute Ordinance, 1980
Punjab Public-Private Partnership For Infrastructure Act 2010
Walled City Of Lahore Act 2012
Cholistan Development Authority (Appointment And Conditions Of Service) Rules, 1993
Cholistan Development Authority Financial Rules,1993
Cholistan Development Authority (Delegation Of Powers) Rules 1995
Punjab Economic Research Institute Employees Service And Recruitment Rules, 1995
Planning And Development Department (Agency For Barani Areas Development) (Abad) Service Rules, 1982
The Punjab Directorate Of Monitoring & Evaluation Planning & Development Department Service Rules, 2011
The Punjab Planning And Development Department Recuritment Rules, 1985
Punjab Planning And Development, Abad (Delegation Of Powers) Rules, 1986
Punjab Bureau Of Statistics Recruitment Rules, 1985

Planning and Development Department Punjab Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download / Online for P&D Department Lahore

Please visit the following link to Download NTS Application Form for Planning and Development Department Punjab Assistants Jobs 2016 Online in P&D Department Lahore: 

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