AJK Police Jobs 2016 Constables in Azad Kashmir Police Department NTS Application Form Latest

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About Police Department
The police has an obligation and duty to function according to the requirement of the constitution, law and democratic aspirations of the people. Such functioning of the police requires it to be professional and service-oriented, and free from undue extraneous influences and yet be accountable to the people; it is necessary to restore the confidence of the people by organizing a police system which is:

Professinally Efficient
People Friendly
Politically Neutral
Democratically Controlled
Existing Police System

The Police Act Of 1861
The Police Rules Of 1934
The Chronological History


To maintain internal security.
To assist regular police in the maintenance of law and order.
Decision taken by the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs.
6 SIs, 12 HCs and 300 FCs were recruited in September.
(Reference: office memorandum No A-118(7)/50 dated January 10,1951 addressed to Secretary General AJ&K Govt.)
Important Events

1952 Muzaffarabad conspiracy of Nov.1952 suppressed/ ex- minister Abdul Qayyum Khan arrested/ reserves maintained Law & Order in the native place of the minister.
Helped extinguish the fire in Muzaffarabad on midnight of December 28, 1952.
1953 Helped to control situation at District Mirpur at a political gathering in March 1953.
Anti Ahmadia movement was efficiently controlled.
Kishan Ganga and Domel police posts were taken over from the district police force
1954 The first significant expansion.
To cater for the possibility of UN orchestrated plebiscite.
To quell Pallandari disturbances/ instability in Poonch district.
A scheme was sanctioned for the raising of 32 Reserves with a total of 32 Sis, 64 HCs and 800FCs. However 32 platoons were not raised and armed constabulary from Punjab Police were loaned as and when required.
Actual strength till 1955 was 5 Inspectors, 10 SIs, 39HCs, and 490FCs.
1961 A Contradiction In Function

AJ&K police Reserves were not designed to be deployed on the Cease fire line and neither trained nor equipped to act as a border police force.
But they were still posted at border posts Leepa, Nakyal, Samani as well as in traffic police as local guards and for the maintenance of law &order.
(As per S. Asif Majeed IGP AJ&K police secret note dated Nov.30,1961)

AJK Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download / Online for Azad Kashmir Police Department

Please visit the link given below to Download NTS Application Form for Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) Police Constable Jobs 2016 Online in Police Department: 

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