Quaid-e-Azam Divisional Public School Lalamusa Jobs 2016 Teachers & Admin Staff Latest

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“Nations envisage their true face in their institutions”. A populace and thriving city like Gujranwala always needed a quality institute to quench the insatiable thirst of knowledge of countless aspirants.
Mr. A.Z.K. Sherdil Khan (late) Ex. Commissioner Gujranwala Division realized and undertook this ordeal of establishing this Alma Mater which shoulders the burden of imparting quality education to the people of Gujranwala in Particular and to its adjacent areas in general. Established at a rented place in 1987, 

The Institute shifted to its original building which Spans over 65 acres which was gifted on lease by the Punjab Government considering the value of this invaluable project. Further developments and the laying down of infrastructurewas made possible by donations,funds raising, contributions and tuition fee. Visionaries like Haji Murad Ali, Sheikh Muhammad Younas, Rafique Anwar  put in yeomen’s service and with their valuable donations stand out as the pioneers of this awe inspiring project.

Today this institute has become a booming and buzzing reality realizing the world through its matchless performances in all spheres of human activity.  Our journey, with our illustrious history continues and will continue to prepare the torch bearers ready to take up the future challenges. Every passing year proves and adorns our cap of excellence with a new feather because we  “Strive to Excel”. 

The Concept
The Quaid-e-Azam Public College Gujranwala, is envisaged as a centre of excellence and a model for the area. It rests on the demographic, social and economic features of the city in particular, and of the District and the Division of Gujranwala in general.
To cater the needs of Gujranwala's high rate of urbanization (being the highest in Punjab) by improving the quality of human and material resources through a functional system of sound education.
To provide the foundation for stepping up to higher education in business and technological management in order to maintain an edge on industrial production and crop (specially rice) cultivation etc., which contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of the area and the country.
To encourage the healthy trends, innovation and sophistication by creating an enlightened environment for young people.
"Unless the Lord builds, those who build labour invain"

Quaid-e-Azam Public College, Gujranwala was established in 1987. Its deed notification was issued on August 13, 1987.The same year Quaid-e-Azam Divisional Educational Trust was established.

The college initially started in a rented place. However, with the efforts of the Trustees, the college constructed its own beautiful campus. The land, 65 acres, for this campus was a gift of Punjab Government of that time. However, the development and the infrastructure was built and maintained by generous donations, contributions, fund raisings and tuition fees. Finally the college shifted to this new campus in September 1987. It was shifted to its present Location in September 07, 1988.
The separate Section of Boys School/College was started in April 1993.The school was upgraded to the College Level in 1994 for Boys and Girls. ’O’ Level Classes for Boys and Girls were introduced in 1997.
The construction of Sheikh Mohammad Younas Auditorium was started in 1993 and completed in 1994.Haji Siraj-u-Din of Gujranwala made a Nobel offer to construct a Jamia Masjid in the College which was constructed in 1997.
Construction of New Double Story Block has been completed and classes of Boys College Shifted to this Block from December 8, 2012. Another new Block for Junior school is in working now from January 11, 2011. In future construction of 48 rooms Block in Girls College will be started.

The objective behind the trustees' vigorous and spirited efforts was to provide the city of Gujranwala with a high quality educational institute can just be precised by

"Allah will raise up, (suitable) ranks (and degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge" and Allah is well-acquainted with all ye do.

And the following sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

"No present or gift of a parent, out of all the gifts and presents to a child, is superior to a good quality education." 

"That a man gives a quality education to his child, is better for him than he gives a large measure of corn in alms."

It is a universally recognized fact that education is a key factor in the overall development of an individual. The modern age, whose hallmark is explosively rapid expansion of Science and Technology, the use of internet, discovery and new inventions and creation of new knowledge demands the best intellectual efforts to ensure the well being of a nation and earn a place in the comity of nations. Importance of education to meet the challenges of modern times is ever increasing.
Quaid-e-Azam Divisional Public School and College was established to provide the best education to the children of Gujranwala keeping in view the modern and latest trends of teaching at the national level.
I hope that the students who are getting education here will have a fruitful experience which will prepare them for distinguished careers in their fields of interests in future to contribute in nation building.
Shamail Ahmad Khawaja
Commissioner, Gujranwala Division.

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