Prime Minister Youth Internship Program 2015-2016

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Apply for Prime Minister Youth Internship Program


Applicant should not availed any such kind of opportunity / facility before
Currently the applicant has no employment whether in Public or Private Sector, and not a student of any Public or private institution, and has no source of income in personal capacity
This Internship will not be treated as any Government or Private Sector service; this is only an internship for one year.
The selection process will be finalized after complete verification from NADRA, HEC and NAVTTC etc.
The NIP, M/o IPC reserve the rights of the selection/rejection of the application.
The NIP, M/o IPC reserve the rights for placement of candidate on merit, however candidate will be facilitated according to his choice of placement.
The stipend of any intern could be stopped, if any irregularity is found during monitoring process.
If the information is incorrect in any case (typographic mistake), it will disqualify the applicant for the subject scheme

Punjab Youth Internship Program (PYIP) is an initiative of the Government of Punjab to equip the unemployed youth with productive skills to obtain better employment opportunities.

The program is specially designed for the unemployed youth so that they obtain basic training to enhance their skills, which shall facilitate in a secure livelihood in the long term. It will assist the interns to get hands on experience and enable them to apply their theoretical knowledge acquired in their educational institutes.
PYIP will benefit 20,000 fresh graduates who shall also receive a monthly stipend for the duration of this internship. 


The Program is open to the Unemployed Youth who fulfil the listed criteria: 
Age should be between 16 to 30 years
Must have completed 16 years of education OR
Technical/Vocational Diploma holders, Sub-Engineers, Health Technicians, Paramedics, Agriculture & Livestock Technicians
Must have HEC/Technical Boards recognized Degree/Diploma attained from a Local, Foreign, Government or Private institute
Must have Domicile of The Punjab Province
Must have a valid CNIC or Form B
Must have passed out in the year 2011 or onwards.


The salient feature of this internship program is that the applicants can choose a relevant internship position based on their academic qualifications and interest area, from amongst the available options/demands made by the private/public sector organizations/institutes. 


The duration of the internship will be 6 months. 


The interns will receive a monthly stipend of PKR 12,000/- during the internship through Easy Pay Card.

Blog, Updated at: 18:35:00

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