Punjab Power Development Company Limited Jobs 2016 Lahore Application Form PPDCL Managers & Engineers Latest

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Pakistan has been facing substantial shortages in the power sector and the province of Punjab is no exception. In Punjab, at present, there is a demand-supply gap of about 4000 MW which is increasing at a rate of 6% per annum. Punjab with 68% of the consumption of generated power and gas is worst affected and has to endure both power and gas load shedding with adverse social and economic consequences.

Following the 18th amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan, the provinces are now vested with full authority to develop power projects of any capacity through public or private sector and establish required regulatory framework. In view of lingering energy crisis and opportunity provided by the new enabling framework, the Government of the Punjab decided to play a pro-active role in the energy sector. An independent Energy Department has accordingly been established to vigorously pursue power generation and oil & gas projects in the province.

Our Functions:
According to the Rules of Business 2011, the functions of the Energy Department include:
Legislation, policy formulation and sector planning
Administrative control and check on the work of Electric Inspectors Lahore and Multan. All technical matters including court cases relating to the offices of Electric Inspectors
Electrical accidents in connection with generation, transmission, distribution and use of electric energy
Standardization of Specifications in respect of electric appliances, machinery and installations
Matters connected with distribution of Power and Area Electricity Boards
Acquisition, revocation of amendment of Licenses of Electric Supply Undertaking and approval of loads
Regulation controlling and granting Electrical Contractor Licenses and Supervisors Competency Certificate and other matters connected with Licensing Board Lahore and Multan
Matters connected with village electrification including formulation and devising criterion for selection of villages
Matters connected with Tube-well electrification
Matters relating to the Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB) and Punjab Power Development Company Limited (PPDCL)
All relevant matters under |Articles 157, 158 and 161 of the Constitution and policy making for the Province in respect thereof.
Development of power generation by exploiting hydel, thermal and renewable energy resources
Monitoring of electricity tariff in Punjab
All matters pertaining and auxiliary to hydel power stations of WAPDA or any other public / private sector agency located in Punjab 
Close coordination with the Federal Govt. in respect of grant of licenses for oil and gas exploration in Punjab and cooperation with such companies and organizations under-taking such ventures in Punjab
Conservation of energy
Market segmentation based on purchasing power and electricity consumption
Off-grid distributed power generation
Promotion of energy efficiency through appliance regulation, building codes, urban design and other means
Energy innovations
Public private partnerships for energy production, conservation, efficiency and audit
Coordination and reconciliation with Federal Government on electricity charges
Distribution network authorization for new housing societies
Development of a power policy for Punjab
Award of power projects in Punjab to Pakistani and Foreign Private sector companies
Review and updating of regulatory framework to promote fast-track investment in energy projects
Budget, accounts and audit matters
Purchase of stores and capital goods for the department
Service matters except those entrusted to Services and General Administration Department
Administration of the following laws and the rules framed there-under:
Electricity Act, 1910
The Petroleum Act, 1934
Electricity Rules 1937
The Punjab Electricity Act, 1939
The Punjab Electricity (Emergency Powers) Act, 1941
The Punjab Electricity Emergency Powers (Conduct of Supply) Act, 1949
The WAPDA Act, 1958
The Electricity Control Ordinance, 1965
The Electricity Act (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 1979
Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act, 1996
Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity Power Act, 1997
Offences in Respect of Electricity (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1998
Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2002
Matters incidental and ancillary to the above subjects

Punjab Power Development Company Limited (PPDCL) Lahore Jobs 2016 Application Form Download / Online

Please visit the link given below to Download Application Form for Punjab Power Development Company Limited (PPDCL) Lahore Jobs 2016 Online: 

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